About Me

Inspirational stories to bring you hope in today’s world

¡Hola! Thank you for visiting my site!

I was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, but emigrated to sunny Florida in 1998, where I met my husband and made my permanent home with him and the two children that God gave to us. Well, three, if you count our American Blue rabbit.

Reading has always been one of my favorite activities. Inspirational fiction has encouraged me and strengthen my faith on numerous occasions. Books like Redeeming Love and The Masterpiece by Francine Rivers showed me how a well-crafted story can be instrumental in spreading hope from His Word. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed many romantic, romantic suspense and women’s fiction stories that eventually inspired me to “try my hand” at storytelling.

I like to incorporate in my stories aspects of the rich Hispanic culture of which I am proudly a part.

It’s my hope that my stories would bring you hope in today’s world. Join me on Goodreads, Facebook, and Instagram! 

My Bio

Laura Elizabeth Salas’ writing career began at a young age, when she would “re-write” the ending of many of her favorite stories, mostly in her mind, but occasionally also on paper. Born and raised in Venezuela, she shares aspects of her language and culture during the day as a Spanish teacher and at night as a writer. An inspirational author, Laura aims to craft clean stories that bring hope in today’s world.



You can read her inspirational short story “Moving Forward” in the Anthology When Life Gives You Lemons: Stories to Make You Smile, available on Amazon.  “Love on Calle Ocho”, a sweet romance short story, is part of Romancing the Holidays, Volume Two anthology.  “Ocean Tides and Love Vibes” will be available in July 2023 as part of the Romancing the Tropics Anthology.


Laura Salas Writes