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Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the LORD hears my voice. Psalm 55:17 (NLT)


You set up your alarm to wake up before dawn. With the house in silence, you mix the right amount of water and beans to make a cup of coffee, then add the milk of your choice in the precise amount to give you the perfect blend. You recline on your beloved chair and, as you open your well-worn Bible, a rainbow of colors appears from many years of Bible study.

Or maybe you open the verse of the day on your Bible app. Then, you read the Scriptures the Lord has laid on your heart, be it through a friend, last Sunday’s sermon, or the Bible application.

You lay your heart before the Lord, sharing your worries and your fears. Because you trust Him, you praise Him for all He has done and for what He’s about to do (2 Corinthians 5:7). The Holy Spirit moves in a powerful way and a peace that surpasses all understanding fills your mind (Philippians 4:7).

As you look out the window, you discover the blue hour has begun. The indigo hues bring with them a promise of a new day, the assurance that His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). You might even finish your wonderful prayer time with some worship music before everyone else at home wakes up.

The house stirs. You move on to prepare breakfast and probably several lunch boxes while inside you’re still dancing to the tune of the worship song you listened to recently.

Then you arrive at work full of energy and ready to tackle the busy day. As it goes by, and you encounter pressure and complaints from others, the peace you had at home drains, little by little, until it’s depleted and anxiety, and maybe anger, takes its place.


Can you relate?


For years, I went through this cycle. I’d love to say I found a solution early in my professional life, but unfortunately, it took me a long time to gain wisdom on this matter.

Until one day the conviction of the Holy Spirit hit me square in the face: I was missing daytime prayer. Yes, I prayed in the morning before work and at night before bed. But while I was at work, I’d allowed the circumstances to swallow me whole, dictating my thoughts and feelings. I’d neglect to turn those things over to God, as they were coming my way during the day. I often forgot who I am (his daughter) and who He is (my heavenly Father).

God had not let go of me during the workday; it was I who had let go of God. I was the one who’d forgotten His promises, His presence, and His love.

Now I strive to pray several times during the day. I learned I don’t have to wait until the perfect time to bear my heart to the Lord. Instead, I try to submit the hard situations to God right then and there, through quick mental prayers. These small supplications keep me grounded, reminding me He’s always by my side.

Do I always succeed? No. The truth is, I still struggle, but with God’s help, I am working on it.

Another tip to find peace during work is memorizing Bible verses. Many years ago, a Bible teacher told me this practice is important for Christians in case we’re ever in a circumstance with no access to the Bible. Although at the time I thought he was referring to persecution or martyrdom, I now see that I don’t need to be in such dire circumstances to draw wisdom and contentment from memorized Bible texts. Remembering God’s promises injects power in our prayers and cements our faith during the hard times.

Shall we pray together?

 Lord, may we learn to always submit ourselves to you. May we seek to honor you at all hours and under all circumstances. May we never forget that you are God, and you are good, and that your son Jesus is closer to us than our own breath.


I pray this short article helps you in your Christian journey. Please feel free to leave a comment in the section below. 

Until next time!

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